
Jan Johansson

Jag blev i dag tillfrågad av en av mina yngre läsare vem Jan Johansson var. Ovan finns lite av hans musik. Ni kommer säkert att känna igen musiken på en gång. Artistens namn kanske inte är så välbekant. Ungefär som med Evert Taube. Ungarna har hört hans musik, men känner inte namnet.

4 kommentarer:

Mother Mary Carol Anne sa...

Wow - that sure is an amazing shot - in the north pole???
Just wanted to say 'Hi' -

Mother Mary Carol Anne sa...

OOOOppps ....
what have I done wrong.
I am not computer savy, after all this time. Woe is me

Conrad Johansson sa...

ca va?
C'est un blog suèdoise.
But I have another one in english somwhere.

Conrad Johansson sa...

The north pole is in your country. This image is called "Ginnungagap". That is the gap between the hot and the cold, long before the world was created. Studying norse mythology is hard, because they did not write very much in ancient times. The Poethic Edda is what remains. Snorre's Edda is written by a christian man.